Coach Jim Clayton
About Jim Clayton: Coach Jim Clayton is a West Virginia native who specializes in skill development - particularly shooting mechanics, footwork and ball handling. Coach Clayton has coached players at all levels, from middle shcool to the NBA. He has been a successful high school coach, winning multiple state championships, as well as a successful AAU coach, coaching one of the top programs in the country for two consecutive seasons. Coach Clayton is coming to Cincinnati to help take your game ot the next level!
Where: Sycamore High School (Gregory Center)
When: Sept. 25 (9-3:30pm) / Sept. 26 (9-1pm)
Lunch: Bring your own lunch.
Cost: $120.00 ($60.00 for LADY AVES). Please bring a check made out to OGBR or cash when you sign in for registration on Sept. 25th.
What to bring: YOUR OWN BASKETBALL, a lunch and a GREAT attitude!
Registration: The first 80 players to RSVP to Coach Bryce McKey will have secured spots for the workout sessions. You can RSVP by:
Phone: 330-231-1772
When the 80 spots are filled the registration will be closed.
For questions please don't hesitate to contact Bryce McKey.
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